in acupuncture, we have 2 points that work together to release tension and pent up emotions or what is known as Liver Qi Stagnation in TCM. These are Large Intestine 4 and Liver 3. in Traditional Chinese Medicine this combination is called opening the 4 gates.
LI4 or “Hegu” regulates the Yang energy and disperses external pathogens. It’s a command point that helps move energy upward and outward, addressing symptoms in the head, face, and upper body. You can locate this point between the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones on your hand, in the middle of the 2nd metacarpal bone on the radial side (see the blue dot).
LV3 or “taichong” regulates the Yin energy and soothes the Liver. It addresses internal imbalances like emotional stress, stagnant Qi, or Liver overactivity. It moves the energy inward and downward. Its located on the top of the foot in the depression proximal to the 1st metatarsal space (beneath the blue dot under the thumb in the photo).
Together, these points create a powerful synergy that harmonize the flow of qi. You can give yourself a mini acupressure session by massaging these two blue points on your hands and feet.